I have the pleasure of serving on the cookbook committee this year for the Junior League of Northwest Arkansas and I am committed to selling at least two cases (20 books!) so I will need your help in reaching my goal. I purchase books for hostess gifts, wedding/engagement presents, welcome someone to the community, holidays, birthdays, or to provide a friend with the next book in their Junior League Cookbook collection.
Here is a little taste of what is to offer in the cookbook:
Dickson Street Hummus
Ingredients1 15 ounce can of garbanzo beans
3 garlic cloves
Juice of 1 lemon
1/4 cup toasted sesame seeds
2 teaspoons of cumin
2 tablespoons of olive oil (or to desired texture)
Salt to taste
Mix in a food processor or blender the garbanzo beans, garlic, lemon juice, sesame seeds, cumin and salt. Add the olive oil in a fine stream, processing constantly until creamy. Serve with pita chips or veggies.
Makes 4 servings
Want to purchase a Junior League of NWA Cookbook?
Books are $26.95 plus tax
If you are local, I can deliver books or shipping is also available. If you are out of town, visit the JLNWA website to purchase books.
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