"And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good" - John Steinbeck
2014 was a really beautiful, changing, messy, struggling, loving kind of year. Half the time I was basking in the moments of pure joy and happiness and the other half the time I was battling expectations and impossible perfection. All of which led to a pursuit of peacefulness in knowing my freedom and appreciation for the people, opportunities, and moments that are given to me each day to make up my life.
As I am thinking about the new year, and all of the unexpected things it has already brought, I am also reflecting and celebrating all that the previous year held. The truth is, my highlight reel is pretty big and overwhelming in the amount of moments I was keenly aware of love. I'm celebrating these little, big moments now, so I can remind myself each time my mind gets busy as a way to say, "quiet down little mind, rest in truth, be patient", which I know will probably happen about 15 times a day (and those will just be the ones I am aware of). For all that 2015 will hold, I hope to pursue and know love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Happy 2015! Enjoy some highlights from 2014!
Dates with Momma |
Dancing with Justin |
NYC with Kerri & Erica |
Literacy Nights |
Dustin's Graduation |
Painting & Life Conversations |
New Team |
Students |
Old Friends |
New Friends |
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