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Monday, May 14, 2012

Less Busy, More Present

When I created my Thirty Before Thirty list, one of my goals was to be less busy and more present. I am fortunate to live a pretty great life and I did not want to be so busy living my life that I had no time to be fully engaged in it. In my early 20's, I would pour my thoughts into my journals but for this project, I wanted to explore another way of expressing myself. As I was searching for inspiration on how to document this year in a meaningful way, I stumbled across this great idea on pinterest.

The project was easy to create and cost efficient. I picked up the card stock on sale at JoAnn Fabric and the jar was $4 at Walmart (in the kitchen canister section). I had the colorful markers and scissors on hand already.

Throughout the year, I have been writing down the key moments in my life. Some are big like taking a trip to NYC and others are the sweet little moments in life that make a big difference such as penning my perfect day. Each week, I keep a running list of moments that I want to add. I then write them down on small slips of paper and fold them up to place inside of the jar. When I prepare to welcome in 2013, I will open my jar to read, reflect, and appreciate the things that have happened in my life this year.

I have really enjoyed this little venture and hope that it might inspire you to create ways to appreciate your life moments as well.

Click here to follow Grits & Gravy on pinterest!

{jar, scissors, pretty paper, colorful markers}

{colorful and textured paper for inspiration}

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